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Mirror Meg’s : Vancouver Style

Bonjour chèris, I’m pretty excited, as this will be my first of hopefully many, #mirrormeg posts to the blog. If you’re unfamiliar with that hashtag, it’s basically when myself or someone else will try dress like or mimic Meghan Markle’s style thus mirroring Meg. If you follow me on instagram you’ll know I’m a huge Duchess…

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travel with lavie

Novitates autem

Novitates autem si spem adferunt, ut tamquam in herbis non fallacibus fructus appareat, non sunt illae quidem repudiandae, vetustas tamen suo loco conservanda; maxima est enim vis vetustatis et consuetudinis. Quin in ipso equo, cuius modo feci mentionem, si nulla res impediat, nemo est, quin eo, quo consuevit, libentius utatur quam intractato et novo. Nec…

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